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Radical Reflections: Disability Justice Series

These monthly discussion spaces invite conversation and deep reflection on aspects of Transformative Justice (TJ) that will allow us to strengthen our movements toward healing and social justice.

TJ is one aspect of Abolitionism that builds and implements alternative liberatory strategies that do not rely on the police, criminal legal system, prisons, and interconnected systems of oppression within healthcare, education, and social care. It is a framework that encompasses accountability, prevention of harm, healing, working towards safety, and building community strength and resources.

This series will begin by focusing on the lived experience of disability, ableism and disability justice, using material from TJ leaders, organisers and artists. Each session will reflect on set lectures, articles, podcasts or topics to deepen our abolitionist, anti-oppressive praxis.

Sessions will run on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm-8pm (UK time).

Session 1: Deaths by Welfare Podcast Ep1: 'Resisting DWP Violence' by Healing Justice LDN

Our first session brings into focus systemic ableism within a UK context. The podcast episode discusses the extreme failure of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) in supporting disabled people. The guests' also speak to their experience of living and organising against the harms of welfare reform, as well as creating evidence, resistance and justice.

Wednesday 2nd November 2022

Session 2: 'Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice. Crip Lineages, Crip Futures: A Conversation with Stacey Milbern' by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

Our second session invites an intimate discussion on lived experiences of QTIBIPOC disabled eldership, crip ancestors, the role of spirituality within disability justice, the hauntings of ableism, creating legacies, and crip wealth.

Wednesday 7th December 2022

Session 3: 'You Are Not Entitled To Our Deaths: COVID, Abled Supremacy & Interdependence' by Mia Mingus

This session will reflect on ableism, interdependence, the harm of individualism, and abled supremacy in the context of COVID and disability justice.

Wednesday 4th January 2023

21 July

Confronting the Role of White Comfort in Therapy