Collaboration Agreement


This document offers a starting point for a co-created formal agreement that can be used between an organisation and an artist(s) in preparation for and throughout working together. This Collaboration Agreement can be used as a template for D/deaf, disabled, chronically ill, and neurodivergent artists to adapt, but should not be mistaken for an individual access rider.

This document is to complement and work alongside the organisation's access policy with the intention to respond to the changing needs of visitors, staff and collaborators, as well as to support ongoing learning.

The document outlines best practice on how to plan, create and present public facing work with a particular focus on D/deaf, disabled and neurodivergent artists and audiences. It is well placed for disabled artists and practitioners who have a socially engaged practice with disabled audiences, as well as for organisations who wish to integrate a social model of disability within their work.

This document was envisioned by Sam Metz and co-produced with Sage M Stephanou as part of the ‘Drawing as Stimming’ Project.