An Introduction to Developing Abolitionist Care in our Community
This workshop aims to open our imaginations to alternative approaches to working with distress, and practicing mutual aid.
The first part of the session will contextualise current models of care, and the urgent need to develop sustained community led practices that are separate from State and statutory intervention/s.
The second part of the workshop will be participatory focused, where we will begin to map out personal and local possibilities based on our lived experiences, to source and create capacity.
This session was originally delivered by RTN in collaboration with Synergi for Black and People of Colour working/volunteering in user-led peer groups or campaigning capacities.
“What does it mean to shift our ideas of access and care from an individual chore, an unfortunate cost of having an unfortunate body, to a collective responsibility that’s maybe even deeply joyful.”
— Leah Lakshmi Piepznha-Samarasinha